
Create Better Digital Ads

As you’re starting to execute on your 2019 campaigns, you’ll probably be creating digital ads as part of your strategy. Digital ads are great for reaching your specific demographic, making quick pivots to the campaign if needed, and creating brand awareness online.

Here are some tips on how you can create effective ads to help your campaigns to convert:

Keep it simple:

Avoid ads with too much text or information. Ads that are too wordy typically don’t perform as well as ads that can be absorbed quickly. Include just enough wording and imagery to catch your user’s attention.

Call to action:

Now that you’ve caught the user’s attention, include a call-to-action on your ad to get your audience to take the next step. “Buy Now”, “Learn More”, “Schedule an appointment”, and “Shop Now” are popular call-to-actions to include.

A/B test:

Chances are you won’t create the perfect digital ad that speaks to your audience right off the bat. Creating two ads that differ slightly can help you test what is resonating with your audience and allow you to know what changes to make for better results.

Landing pages that convert:

No matter how powerful your ads are, a poor landing page experience can greatly decrease conversion. Be sure your landing page is easy to navigate, loads quickly, and guides the user to accomplish your conversion goal.

Optimize for your goals:

Determine your goals for each campaign and define the metrics you’d like to measure. Are you trying to get more traffic to your landing page? Optimize for click through rate.

Your digital ads can majorly impact the effectiveness of your overall campaign. By using these tips, you’ll be able to create ads with higher click through rates, a lower CPC, and a better ROI. For more information on how you can create and manage your social media campaigns, visit us here.


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