• Marriage

    How to Stop Being an A****** Wife

    Being a wife can be a tough calling. You are most likely a wife to a less than perfect human being who has a few flaws that you sometimes can’t help but point out. There are probably times you feel like you have to nag your husband to do anything, and you are constantly telling him to put his dirty clothes in the hamper rather than on the floor. You may be feeling like he turns you into a straight up B, and you are starting to lose the fun-loving personality you once had. You are tired, frustrated, and it’s a constant fight to make your husband be the person…

  • Marriage,  Momming

    The Best Advice I’ve Ever Heard

      We’re coming into a new year, so I’ve been doing some reflecting. Besides making Christmas lists, I’ve also been making lists of resolutions and reflecting on the person I’ve been and the person I want to be. In reflecting, I’ve realized there are some basic beliefs that I live by. These beliefs are best stated in advice I’ve been given throughout my lifetime. I’d like to give that same advice to you now. May it help you as you enter a new year full of possibilities.   “Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.” – Mother Teresa The “Do It Anyway”…